Money fades, true values do not

“Money makes the world go round”. Apart from love, there is probably no other subject in human history that has been given a higher importance than money. Without money you are nothing, that is the message and it is true that the wealthiest people rule the world. With enough money one can buy literally anything in the material world we are living in. And even for the ones who are not earning a lot of money it became somehow fashionable to search for a wealthy partner to secure their future and satisfy their needs and desires. 
A relationship built on money might be exciting, thrilling and attractive at first. Money can increase the mutual sexual attraction between partners, it can buy social relations and even friends or jobs. Of course it is nice to find a rich partner, to be able to afford everything, and to live a financially secure life, but what remains when the money is gone? What remains if all actions are based on material intentions? 
People whose main focus is a partner with money, however, often forget that there is more to life than the green stuff. Once the partnership looses its attraction both partners realize that there is actually not much they share apart from, you guessed it, the money. So they end up looking at all their luxury goods, their house, their cars, their accounts and ask themselves: “And what’s the actual value of all these things?” 
Human history and science have shown that what the human race is aspiring for is not money but security. Now, many people make the mistake to mix those crucial points up. But they could not be any more different. What people really long for, most of all when they get older, is not financial security, but social security. That is due to the fact that people’s main intention is not to be lonely when they grow old. Money can buy (almost) everything, yet it still cannot buy love and true values. 
Those true values is what proves to hold people in a successful relationship together, what let us them go through thick and thin and overcome (almost) every problem they might face during the time they spent together. According to life long studies of happy couples, the secret to a long and happy relationship is shared interests and characteristics. Most people in happy relationship said that money had absolutely no influence on their happiness. 
Studies revealed that when looking for a partner, people intuitively search for the ones alike. Beautiful women opt for more attractive men, successful men tend to choose well educated women, poor people stick to other people with little income whereas people with a lot of money are more likely to find a partner with equally as much money. Furthermore, the character and interests of singles play an important role. “Birds of a feather flock together.”Another idiom but compared to the one mentioned earlier it is actually true.

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