Does A Person’s Income Have An Influence On Their Sex Life?

Yes, say researchers. According to results of international studies, there is a direct link between a person’s income and his or her sex life. The question is, is it better or worse?
It might be either of the two. On the one hand money can make a person terribly lonely and sometimes the only way to get love is to buy it. That’s why a high percentage of lonely rich men have sex with prostitutes or order beautiful ladies from elite escort services. 
Money also carries the risk of becoming the main focus of a relationship. Buying and owning things becomes more important than tender, love and care for the partner. And soon the bedroom remains only the place for sleeping next to each other.
On the other hand, money is more likely to be a pure boost for the sex life. People with money are proven to be more self-confident and self-loving. This confidence reflects in their attitude and behavior which attracts more women or men. People of that kind are often extremely content with themselves which is why they can enjoy sex much better than people with certain insecurities.
According to studies, most rich women and men have more sex than the average income earner. The studies reveal that women are more attracted by wealthy men as they are by others. This is due to the fact that men with money are often well educated, well dressed and successful. That gives women the feeling of being in safe hands. Latest results from British researchers discovered the interesting fact, that the higher the income of their male partner the more often do women have orgasms. It remains a secret of evolution why that is the case. Scientists have various theories such as the woman’s orgasm is a subconscious way of evaluating the “quality” of their partner, in other words the genes to pass on to their future children. Feminists and psychologists simply say that the fact that the woman comes more often with a rich partner is totally pleasure-based. 
That would mean that a satisfying sex life is not necessarily related to the money but that people who live a very fun oriented life have more sex and enjoy it more. Therefore it is a chain of events and characteristics: self-confident people aim to achieve more, tend to opt for an academic form of education, want to spend their time with likeminded people, feel the urge to be someone and earn a lot of money. At the same time they are getting more and more confident and learn how to enjoy themselves and have fun. They don’t have as many problems as people with an average income so they are capable of letting go much better.
In summary that means that people with money find themselves more attractive and therefore attract more people who find them equally attractive, and that’s why money spices up their lives.

The Risks of a Beautiful or Rich partner

Society and media are stuffing the belief in our heads that women have to be thin and beautiful, that men have to be millionaires and that only if you belong to one of the two groups you will find a partner that belongs to the other. That is how it is: beautiful women mingle with millionaires. Although this reality might be far from what some of us “normal” people experience, it is still very real to upper class and elite society members. The decision, what partner to choose is not based on love or mutual interests but on income, social status, and the outer appearance. Seeing and being seen, that is what counts. 
However, relationships based on beauty or wealth also bears many risks. A man who chooses a woman because of her beauty must be aware, that while she is young, she might loose interest and find someone even better looking than him. She might as well be courted by many other men, making her promising offers and giving her the outlook of an even more prosperous life. She might decide to leave, or the attempts of other men might cause jealousy and arguments and lead to unhappiness in the relationship. Once the woman reaches a certain age, beauty is also likely to fade, so the man should better make sure to like something else about her than only her looks. 
The same happens to a woman who chooses a millionaire as her partner. There will be plenty of other women interested in him and trying to catch him, so she can never be 100% if he will be cheating on her at some point. In difficult times, or when she looses her youth he might leave her for another female partner. One that is younger and more beautiful. 
Even if the relationship based on beauty and wealth turns out to work, the urge for true happiness will knock from the inside. Quiet at first but then louder and louder until the need for someone who truly understands them and loves them for what they are becomes unbearable. Many partnerships and marriages end up in disasters, with partners cheating on each other and starting to hate each other, but because of their social status they will stay together and be cursed until the end of their lives. 
No matter what the main purpose of getting together with someone is, be it beauty, money or just a strong attraction, it is absolutely crucial to make sure that there is more to the partnership than just that. We are lucky to live in a part of the world where there is a freedom of choice, which means we have all the time in the world to get to know our potential future partner as good as we can before we marry or buy a house with them. And the better we know each other, the higher the chances for a long lasting and happy relationship.

Why Flirting Techniques Actually Work

In times where the Internet is the ultimate platform for singles to find a date or a new partner, lonely hearts do not longer have to wait for their favorite magazine to publish an article on flirt tips to conquer the heart of their beloved ones. All they have to do is type “Best Flirting Tips” or something similar into a search engine and within seconds millions of hits appear with countless pages and articles to chose from. The promising flirting techniques from self-appointed experts on offer are complemented by so-called flirting seminars and other incentives for those seeking advice.
Once all the flirting material provided is studied and internalized, and all courses and seminars are successfully completed, the newly acquired knowledge can be implemented. Therefore, the determined flirters flock to cafés, clubs and gyms to try their luck. But do the flirting techniques learned from lay people actually work?
Latest studies reveal that they do have the potential to work indeed. However, according to the research it does not matter what strategy is used, the only secret is having one. Because flirting strategies cause motivation, confidence and the determination to go out there and speak to the opposite sex. Results showed that most of the people who became a flirting target did not even care what the pick-up-line was or how the flirter behaved. It is rather important, if it clicks or not, which means a positive or negative result doesn’t depend on the flirting technique but on the person itself and weather the chosen target person likes them or not. It is really as simple as that. 
So what is the conclusion? Is this huge money making flirting advice industry a big hoax? Well some say it is, but while women share their needs and concerns with their girl friends, men find it generally harder to talk about personal matters. Therefore the internet provides an anonymous and reliable source of knowledge for them. Furthermore, reading and engaging with flirting techniques increases their self-confidence, getting the impression of becoming a womanizer, and this feeling makes them act more confident and determined. Plus, they are more likely to carry on flirting in case they were turned down after the first attempts. The logic behind it is simple: The more confidence, the more women they talk to and the higher the chance to get to know someone. What they say, how they say it and how they look or dress is not important, what counts are the chemicals between two people. 
All in all one can say that boys and men (and girls and women as well, of course) should read everything they can find about flirting, visit flirting seminars, and go out there to try their techniques. This is a great training for everyone but most of all for those who are naturally shy or who missed out on learning how to approach the opposite sex during their adolescence.

Can the Life as a Single be Risky? – Yes it Can!

Asking a happy single person if their marital status contains any risk will probably lead to the answer: “No way, what kind of risk should that be? I am independent, free and not committed to anything and I am not likely to cause anyone any harm.” And they are right, they don’t cause harm and they don’t necessarily pose a risk, but what if their single life becomes a risk for them? 
Singles, one might think, strive to find a partner they can share their life with and lead a happy and stable relationship with. But as a matter of fact, almost 50% of all singles say that they are happy with their life as it is and those 50% are actually not actively searching for a partner. And they don’t have to, because singles are proven to have a much bigger network of friends and colleagues than couples in a long-term partnership, so loneliness is not very likely. 
And there are many other advantages of a single life: It is much cheaper than a life with partner and kids, house and dog and whatnot; a single can do what he/she wants whenever he/she wants and doesn’t have to account for anything; singles are more likely to earn more money as they can focus on their career; they can fulfill themselves without showing consideration for anyone; they can go on vacation on their own and have the hobbies they want to; and they can take advantage of changing sex partners and keep their sex lives exciting and fulfilling. 
However, sooner or later, be it consciously or subconsciously, every single feels the urge to built a nest and share their life with only one partner. Combined with the desire to stay free and independent, this might cause a serious inner conflict. Because once a single gets used to his life without a partner, the willingness to commit to a serious relationship and a secure future constantly decreases whereas at the same time, the wish to achieve it is increasing.
Our generation has the highest percentage of singles over 60 ever, 20 years ago there would have been no other way for them but finding a new partner. Nowadays singles over 60 find a lot of companions. Medical and technological progress enables people of all ages to remain young and part of society whether they are single or not. A new trend among older singles is shared houses and flats, where they can spend time together and avoid growing old alone. 
Nevertheless, singles must take good care of their psychological well-being and recognize the signs of life early enough in order not to miss the chance of starting a family. Because once they come to a certain age, this door remains shut and all their friends will get older and spend their time with their families. The risk of ending up lonely is a risk that has to be taken very seriously.